Saturday, December 20, 2008

Finally Done

I have official done it.....survived another semester of college.

I am sorry that I have been a little ...OK...a lot of touch lately. But with studying for finals and being an RA.. I have not had much time.

But I will get around to putting up what I wrote when I took breaks from that ya'll can read it.

Happy Holidays

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A review

This night’s You Served live blog……WOW!!!

‘Bud’ had some amazing points. He also had some amazing and hard experiences. He reminds us that the civilian world has NO clue that our men and women really go through over there. Medal of Honor …they can change the world…They proved that. HE also reminds that we need to pay attention to the military family not just the soldier. Humility …one of the keys to being a leader… is something that Bud mention the President-elect Obama had. He also mentioned that our First Family-elect had extreme respect for the military and their families. That is a fact that I am extremely grateful for.

Kim Cameron who sang “My Hero”, a song that she wrote, came on. She met a guy who was leaving the army. He apparently felt that he had not made a difference, so he decided to leave. Nick, who is in her band, helped her. Women, of course, respond the quickest and ask who the guy is. Nick has an amazing story. Congrats on making it here. Thanks for your support, both of you. I love the fact that you all write based off of story…especially those from the military.
I would like to that Kat and Operation Love from Home for all of their support to the troops. Thanks for reminding our soldiers that we are here. I beg of my readers to send them cards for the soldiers. Thanks ya’ll.

Claire unfortunately could not get connected. Thanks to her for her continued support and blogging.

Tory, Marcus, and CJ…WOW you all are amazing.

thanks all
from a grateful military brat

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


So apparently I am wonderful at writing or at least thinking about doing so. However it appears that I am crappy at actually posting it.

The below was written on Sunday on my way back to College.

You know when you hear something and "oh I could Blog about that" well that happen last night (Saturday night) at church. Then I forgot to write about it until I found myself on the way back to college today (Sunday). I was looking out the window at the scenary thinking about the fact that I was about three weeks away from being done with yet another semester of education. And while I am prepared, I am scared. And then it dawned on em that I had come up with a subject to blog about last night but i could not remember what it was.

So I took out a notebook and began writing, as I wrote it came to me. Last night's Gospel and readings ( Isaiah 63: 16-17, 19 ; 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9, Mark 13: 33-37
) remind us to be prepared for the Lord's Coming and warn us not to be sleeping. I started thinking about how that applies and relates to life in the military community. After living in the community for my whole life, I have learned to be prepared for anything. Whether it is new orders or my sponser is going TDY, I may not like or quite be expecting it but i am prepared. I know what to do or at least who to talk to if i don't know what to do.

Wow that makes me sound amazing!!! Which I am sure that I don't always feel not do I believe.

What it truly is..... is that after spending my whole life in the military community, I have learned to be adaptable. That definitely does not mean that nothing catches me off guard but it does mean that if I stop and think about it and breathe I can deal with it. But I don't think that any amount training or preparation can prepare you for the horrors of war... Even if you are not the one fighting in it.

When 9-11 happened, it changed me just as it changed the rest of America. But even knowing that a war was being fought could prepare me foer what having my father deployed to Iraq would do to me and the women that I was/am becoming. Nothing can prepare you to see a man in uniform with a chaplain at your door....while I was blessed enough to get my father home on knows what the was did to my father. We may never know. Back to the man in uniform. I babysat for him when I lived overseas. He always picked me up in uniform on his way home. I know everytime he rang my bell at my apartment, every spouse and child prayed that he was not there with a chaplian or any news that was bad.

For entire year, we all lived in constant fear. A fear that I don't think will ever truely leave my heart.